Money Money Money, must be funny,
In a Beastie Boy's World
Well this night was very fly indeed. And the sounds of a slightly Seventies style, west coast, sunny, funky, melodic set from Money Mark and his merry crew was music to my ears... Here is a man who knows music having worked for several years with the Beastie Boys as their fourth honorary member. On finishing this tour of his own stuff he heads straight off to be with the boys (men?) this summer - nice life! I felt rather privileged to be in such good hands artistically and this boy does know how to hold his own, his band and the crowds. He just has this uber cool air about him...
It seems Money Mark has a thing for collecting unusual instruments and quirky things in general. There was a panther on tour with them that sat happily on the side throughout, but this was no ordinary mascot. Just as the night was coming to a close the panther was taken to the mike where he proceeded to talk to the audience.. Yes, the mascot panther spoke.
the bass in a kilt bought during the Glasgow leg of the tour
All in all a wicked night, and I would advise checking out money marks website where you can purchase the latest albums and get any other details you might need. He is also on myspace at
Keyboard reflecting shades, I'm sorry, that's cool.
Then there was the support that didn't let anyone down.. Gordan Grahame aka. Lucky Jim gave me this mini interview with his beautiful wife before going on..
Have you ever been to the ICA before?
Jim: No this is my first time. I live in London and I was amazed that it was here and so close to the queen and all that.. (laughs)
So you live here but where are you from?
Jim: I’m from Edinburgh originally.. I’ve been in London for about 3/4 years
Have you always been into music?
Jim: Yeah, I‘ve always been into music since I was a kid, I’ve moved around with it to different places.. Europe, The States, and Brighton was the last place, I loved it down there
Have you always been a solo artist?
Jim: I’ve been in bands but mainly just me, when I’ve had no other income I’ve played in bars, on the streets, everywhere
Ok so you’ve done your time doing every different kind…
Jim: Oh I paid my dues oh lord yes, give me a break! (laughs)
So you’re on an up? It’s good to play here definately
Jim: Oh yes it’s great, I’m on an up, excited to play here
What would you say is your style of music?
Jim: I don’t think I have a style, Singer songwriter stuff.. obvious influences are Dylan, Cohen,..
So a folky style then?
Jim: Yes folky, but really on a good night I get on a soul tip, that’s what you’ll come away with . Not so much a style but a feeling thing. If I’m not there then it will be a bit more rumble jumble..
So you put a lot of you into it,
Jim: Oh yes that’s the way you gotta do it…
And he did!
And let's not forget Natty.
Natty with on his own reggae tip, singing from with his heart and mind, captivated the audience with his rhythmic flowing sound.
Here he is with his bongo playing percussionist..
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